OER materials

On this page you will find Open Educational Resources (OERs) that have been developed since 2022 as part of our project in courses, projects and master’s theses in English didactics. Our aim is to provide teachers and learners with high-quality, accessible and adaptable materials that enrich modern English teaching.

Our OERs are aimed at English teachers, teacher training students, lecturers and learners of all ages. The OERs are designed in such a way that they can be used in classroom teaching as well as online teaching or for personal development. They include

  • Teaching materials:
    Ready-made worksheets, presentations as well as interactive exercises for self-learning, tailored to different topics and levels.
  • Teacher Guides:
    Elaborated suggestions for planning cross-lesson teaching units on selected topics such as Shakespeare, Instapoetry, Life Writing or Mental Health.
  • Multimedia content:
    Videos, interactive H5P files, escape rooms and other digital media formats that make lessons livelier and more varied.

The materials provided are divided into three areas in order to meet different teaching and learning needs. At lower secondary level, there are OER materials that focus more on the development of basic language skills, while upper secondary level offers more challenging content in terms of both subject matter and language. The OERs in the area of teacher training support teachers in independently developing practical skills and knowledge.

You can get to know selected materials below. These examples are described in detail here to give you an impression of the wide range of possible applications. The info boxes provide all the important information about the material at a glance, making it easier to make a selection.

Info box: Material details

Learning group/yearTarget group and year group for which the material is suitable (e.g. lower secondary level, year 7).
Competence areaThe specific area of competence addressed by the material (e.g. listening comprehension, speaking, writing).
IdeaA brief description of the teaching idea, the course and, if applicable, the duration and scope of the material.
KeywordsRelevant keywords that classify the material thematically (e.g. digital media, interactive exercises).
Material type(s)The type of material (e.g. worksheet, presentation, interactive exercise, video).